Wednesday, January 15, 2014

NCLEX Question for Maternal acceptance of pregnancy

A married 25-year-old housewife is six weeks gestation and is being seen for her first prenatal visit.  In relation to normal maternal acceptance of pregnancy, the nurse would expect that the client fills

a. some ambivalence now that the pregnancy is confirmed
b. overwhelmed by the thought of future changes.
c. much happiness and enjoyment in the event.
d. detached from the event until physical changes occur.

Correct Answer: a. During the first trimester of pregnancy, women normally experience ambivalence about being pregnant.  It is estimated that around 80% of women initially reject the idea of pregnancy; even women who planned pregnancy may respond at first with surprise and shock.

Feelings of being overwhelmed by changes related to pregnancy (physical, lifestyle, etc.) are an indicator of lack of acceptance of the pregnancy and are not considered normal.

Feeling happiness and enjoyment about being pregnant does occur in some women initially; however, it is not the predominant finding.

By the end of the first trimester, most women accept pregnancy but research has not found a direct relationship between this acceptance
And the physical changes; these changes are related more 


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