Wednesday, January 15, 2014

NCLEX Question for 32 week Gestation who developed Mild PIH

Mrs. S., 32 weeks gestation, has developed mild PIH. The nurse evaluates that the client understands her treatment regimen when the client states,

a.    “it is most important not to miss any of my blood pressure medication.”
b.    I will watch my diet restrictions very carefully.”
c.    “I will spend most of my time in bed, on my left side.
d.    “I’m happy that this only happens during a first pregnancy.

Correct Answer C. Modified bedrest in the left lateral position may be advised for the client with mild PIH.  This position improves venous return and placental and renal perfusion; urine output increases, and blood pressure may stabilize or decrease.

If diastolic pressure exceed 110 mmHg, an antihypertensive drug may be administered IV in more severe PIH; in PIH,  placental perfusion is already compromised and lowering maternal blood pressure can further reduce perfusion and stress the fetus.

Dietary restrictions are no longer advised, and the client may follow a regular, well-balanced diet as tolerated.

Previous PIH predisposes to recurrence of PIH.


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