Wednesday, January 15, 2014

NCLEX Question for Postpartum Period

Which of the following observations in the postpartum period would be of the most concern to the nurse?
   a. After the delivery, the mother touches the newborn with her fingertips.
    b. The new parents asked the nurse to recommend a good baby care book.
    c. A new father holds his son in the end face position while visiting.
    d. A new mother sits in the bed while her newborn lies awake in the crib.

Correct Answer: D. During the early postpartum period, evidence of maladaptive mothering may include limited handling or smiling at the infant; studies have shown that a predictable group of reciprocal interactions, between mother and baby, should take place with each encounter to foster and reinforce attachment.
Shortly after birth, the new mother examines her baby’s body with her fingertips looking for cues from the infant; fingertip touch causes the newborn to turn toward the touch.
Concern for ability to care for their newborn is an indicator of positive bonding and attachment.
For parents, the need for the newborn to open its eyes is nearly universal.  Babies held in the face-to-face (en face) position attempt to focus on the eyes of the holder; this strongly evokes parental feeling. 


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