Wednesday, January 15, 2014

NCLEX Question for Vaginal Delivery Normal Findings

Mrs. P. had a vaginal delivery of her second child two days ago. She is breast feeding the baby without difficulty. During a postpartum assessment on Mrs. P., the nurse would expect the following normal finding.

    a. Complaints of afterpains.
    b. Pinkish to brownish vaginal discharge.
    c. Voiding frequently, 50-57 ml per void.
    d. Fundus 1 cm above the umbilicus.

Correct Answer A. Afterpains occur more commonly in multiparas than in primiparas and are caused by intermittent uterine contractions.  Because oxytocin is released when the infant suckles, breast feeding also increase the severity of the after pains.
Lochia (term for vaginal discharge after birth) serosa occurs from bout the third until the tenth day after delivery and would not be observed on the second day; it is a pinkish to brownish color.
Catheterization would be required when the bladder is distended and the woman cannot void or when she is voiding small amounts (<100 ml) frequently.
After birth, the top of the fundus remains at the level of the umbilicus for about half a day; it then descends approximately one fingerbreadth per day until it can no longer be palpated on about the tenth day.


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