Monday, February 3, 2014

NCLEX Question for performing endotracheal suctioning

NCLEX Review Question

When performing endotracheal suctioning, the nurse applies suctioning while withdrawing and gently rotating the catheter 360 degrees for which of the following time periods?

a.10-15 seconds
b.30-35 seconds
c.20-25 seconds
d.0-5 seconds

Correct Answer: A
10-15 seconds

Rationale: In general, the nurse should apply suction no longer than 10-15 seconds because hypoxia and dysrhythmias may develop, leading to cardiac arrest.

30-35 seconds
Rationale: Applying suction for 30-35 seconds is hazardous and may result in the patient's developing hypoxia, which can lead to dysrhythmias and, ultimately, cardiac arrest.

20-25 seconds
Rationale: Applying suction for 20-25 seconds is hazardous and may result in the patient's developing hypoxia, which can lead to dysrhythmias and, ultimately, cardiac arrest.

0-5 seconds
Rationale: Applying suction for 0-5 seconds would provide too little time for effective suctioning of secretions.


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