Friday, March 14, 2014

Your Guide to Healthy Food Portions

Raise a Healthy Plate
The run of the mill American plate is substantial on meat and starches. For supplement force, make 50% of your plate products of the soil, says the USDA. Utilize one quarter for entire grains and one quarter for lean protein, for example, chicken bosom or beans. Include one container of low-fat milk or yogurt.

Picture Serving Sizes
When its badly designed to measure your sustenances, gauge. Each of these foods grown from the ground servings is about the span of a baseball:

  •  1 medium entire foods grown from the ground
  •  1 mug crude greens
A serving of cleaved or canned tree grown foods or cooked veggies is 1/2 glass or a large portion of a baseball.

Control Your Grains
A slight takeout compartment holds significantly more than one serving of rice. A ½ container of cooked rice, pasta or potato is really equivalent to ½ baseball. A cut of bread could be twofold its suggested size: a little tape.

Take after these Protein Pointers
Meat segments like Fred Flintstone might consume have a place back in the Stone Age. Here are the cutting edge, waist-cognizant sizes:
  •  3 ounces of barbecued or prepared fish measures up to a checkbook
  •  3 ounces of meat or poultry parallels a deck of cards
Be Wary About Dairy

To abstain from pressing on pounds, skip chunks of cheddar and margarine. Move with these realities:
  •  1 teaspoon of margarine or spread = 1 bite the dust
  •  1½ ounces of cheddar = 4 stacked bones
Consider Your Condiments
When you're spreading peanut spread or doling out greens dressing, think about a ping pong ball. It's about the measure of 2 tablespoons, which is a common serving. A serving of ketchup or mayonnaise is 1 tablespoon or a large portion of a ping pong ball.

Reexamine Your Drink
Did you realize that there are something like 10 parcels of sugar in a 12-ounce container of pop? Beverage water rather: You can include cuts of lemon, lime, cucumber, or watermelon for flavor. An alternate speedy tip: A serving size of 100% products of the soil juice is 6 oz (or 3/4 mug).

Check the Label
Don't simply filter the sustenance name for the calorie check. Note the serving size as well. Your dish of oat really may hold 2 servings (and double the calories, fat, sodium and sugar you think). The same applies to your treats, microwaveable soup, biscuits, pack of chips and then some!

Read the Recipe

It's alright to treat yourself to sweet, as long as you don't enjoy. Check the amount of servings on the formula. In the event that it says "serves 8," cut the pie into 8 cuts (not 6, which might be bigger). Excessively of a great thing is bad for your waistli


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